After you have been arrested for DWI in Queens, you will be brought to Central Booking at 125-01 Queens Blvd, in Kew Gardens. You will be processed and brought before a judge for arraignment. If this is your first arrest you will be released without bail and told to come back at a later date.
On the next date you will be in what are known as All Purpose (AP) parts. These are in the basement of the courthouse. It is in these courtrooms that all of the discovery will be handed over and a potential deal can be struck with prosecutors. The court dates are usually a month and a half apart. Make sure to get to the courthouse early because you have to go through security in order to get in.
If a deal cannot be made the case will then be sent to a trial part. In this part the case will be tried in front of a trial judge. Trials can either be jury trials (like on tv) or bench trials with just a judge presiding. This process is very fluid and a plea deal can be struck on the eve of or in the middle of a trial. The process just described is just an overview. If you have been arrested for a DWI in Queens, new York, Contact us at 917-519-8417 and let us put our experience to work for you.